Работно време: Понеделник - Петък: 9:00 - 18:00
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Our Prices
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Pool services packages
Our Prices Plans
We are committed to providing excellent value for money to all our customers. We do not add unnecessary chemicals, thereby lowering the cost to you.
Chemical Only
  • Test the pool
  • Chemically balance the water
  • Overall diagnosis of pool
  • Clean filtration system
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Full Pool Service
  • Test the pool
  • Vacuum pool as necessary
  • Scoop all excess debris
  • Free troubleshooting
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Salt Water Service
  • Test the salt water pool
  • Chemically balance
  • Overall diagnosis of pool
  • Clean filtration system
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What does it cost?
Get the Best Pricing
Pool Draining

Only experienced pool professionals should undertake pool draining.

from $125.00
Drain & Clean

Our green pool cleanup will completely remove all traces of algae.

from $500.00
Drain & Acid Wash

Includes pool drain, cleaning, and acid bath of swimming pool.

Filter Cleaning

Includes breaking down filter system, cleaning filter cartridges

One Time Cleaning

Includes FILTER CLEANING above. Any filter parts are additional.

Drain & Clean With Spa

Our green pool cleanup will completely remove all traces of algae.

What we do else
Additional Services Cost
Maintenance changes depending on the time of year, whether you are opening or closing the pool, the size of the pool,and how much use it may get.
Pool cleaning service Price guide
Standard pool clean $50-$130
Deep pool clean - major chemical imbalance $100-$1000
Pool clean with tiles pressured cleaned $80-$150
Pool clean and refill $250-$350
Automatic pool cleaner $350-$1000
Spa clean only $80-$100